GSMR-Global Certification Scheme
The Gulf Society for Maintenance and Reliability (GSMR) is a non-profit organization that provides support to maintenance, reliability, and asset management professionals in the Arabian Gulf region. This support is offered through conferences, symposiums, technical seminars, training, and certification events. The GSMR is one of the global partner organizations that make up Word Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) and participates in its offering of the GCS.
WPiAM developed the GCS to support the professionalization of asset management globally and provide a laddered career path for individuals looking to expand their skills and receive global recognition for their knowledge and competency as an asset management professional.
This competency-based scheme provides a structure that organizations anywhere in the world can use to ensure that recruits have the knowledge, skills, and experience to apply asset management principles in various contexts. It also provides professionals with global recognition, including transportability and transferability for their asset management competency and career path